The next stage of our lives

Last month I was visiting two of my dear cousins in Texas. Having grown up with them since I was aged four, they are more like siblings to me than distant cousins. Being similar ages our lives are often similar 'chapters' and this past visit made me think quite a lot about the current stage of our lives.

At aged eleven and nine (Craig) we had big hopes for our futures when we first left Zimbabwe and moved to America. Having returned to the States three times since leaving I have felt the change in all of us towards our career paths. Each year our plans would get more detailed and centred around a more specific area. In so many ways, our family has shaped us and the career paths we are currently pursuing. Our original goals for our careers have changed quite considerably since our arrival in Texas but what stood out more from the visit was that we had finally reached the next chapter of our lives. During my two-week visit the 'next stage' was frequently brought up in conversation. With Kirsten and I at University now and Craig due to start next year it was no surprise really but it seems like only yesterday we had high hopes for the future that seemed like it would never come. Well, we're in that 'next stage' zone now.

At aged nineteen, I am now thinking about post-university life and thinking of possible positions I can undertake as a career. Thinking back to that young, naïve child eight years ago I realise just how far I have come. I'm not sad to be growing up, our lives are just getting more exciting but part of me misses that mystery of what I pursue as a career. Not that what I want to do is set in stone, it's just that time seems to be speeding up and already I can see the pages turning as the next chapter of our lives are in sight. I guess I'm just surprised how quickly we have reached this stage as I wonder what the next stage of our lives will bring us.

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