Java and I had a little falling out last week and to be honest I was rather nervous about my java team project this week. This was for two main reasons:
a) I don't really enjoy working in teams and the thought of coding in a team
just frightens me and
b) For every other computing group assignment that I had been given I had been placed
in great teams while most friends ended up in rather crap, lazy teams a lot of the
time so I was expecting a really awful group as punishment.
Well, I had nothing to fear. I ended up with a brilliant, hard working team and since we are going to be splitting up the Java coding it shouldn't be too bad at all! Not that it'll be easy- Java never allows things to be easy!-but it's nice not feeling totally overwhelmed.

It's amazing how much of a difference it makes discussing a plan in a team first before beginning to code. Just the simple act of bouncing ideas off people throws light on areas that are a bit murky. Although our team meetings today have certainly taught me that I need to brush up on Java!

So that's me still pleased with my team and waiting patiently (so patiently in fact that I could wait a lifetime) for my bad team to arrive...